Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) is a state-owned company that produces, transports, refines, and markets oil and natural gas in Mexico. Pemex had 100 intranets, each department had its own with its vision, mission, and objectives, generally not aligned with those of the company. The social communication department contacted us to propose a solution to this problem with the goal of unifying everyone into a single intranet.

Mobiik collaborated with Pemex in creating a digital platform that provided the company’s staff with digital tools that enabled communication, facilitated integration, interaction, and relationships among people. The purpose was to bring information closer to all members of the organization, promoting a culture of collaboration, transformation, and knowledge capitalization.

To address this challenge, the following technologies were used:

  • SharePoint
  • .NET Development
  • Scrum
  • Design thinking
  • User experience

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