
Technology as an ally in medical care: The electronic medical record

Regulatory regulations? Automate them!

Technology has revolutionized the world in many aspects, and one of the fields where it has had a significant impact is healthcare. Thanks to the implementation of electronic health record systems, healthcare professionals can quickly access patient information. Furthermore, they are much more secure than paper records, as they can be protected with passwords and encryption, reducing the risk of information loss or theft

However, there are still many healthcare institutions that resist the implementation of these systems, which can have negative consequences for patient care and medical staff efficiency. In this article, we will explore the importance of electronic health records and how technological solutions can improve the quality of healthcare and save lives.

Why is the electronic health record important?

The benefits of the electronic health record are numerous. Firstly, it allows healthcare professionals to access patient information quickly and securely, which can be crucial in emergency situations. Furthermore, it reduces the risk of errors in healthcare, as all details of care can be recorded in the same system. It also enables better coordination among different healthcare professionals attending to a patient. With an electronic health record, medical staff can be confident that all professionals involved in a patient’s care have access to the same updated information.

As a company specialized in the development of technological solutions, Mobiik can assist healthcare institutions in implementing efficient and secure electronic health record systems that comply with the standards established by the Official Mexican Standard NOM-024-SSA3-2013 and provide the necessary quality, security, privacy, and confidentiality for the management of medical information.

This standard establishes the minimum requirements that electronic health record systems in Mexico must meet, with the aim of ensuring the quality, security, privacy, and confidentiality of medical information.

Among the main requirements established by this standard are:

• User identification and authentication within the system
• Secure and confidential storage of medical information
• Logging of activities performed within the system
• Access to medical information only by authorized personnel
• Availability of medical information in a timely manner
• Backup and recovery of medical information in the event of contingencies or disasters

It is important to highlight that this standard is mandatory for all healthcare institutions in both the public and private sectors in Mexico that utilize electronic health record systems.

Mobiik has a team of experts in the design, development, and implementation of technology solutions, including electronic medical record management systems. Our solutions are designed to be flexible and scalable, allowing healthcare institutions to tailor them to their specific needs.

If you have any questions about how to improve the quality of care and process efficiency in your healthcare institution, don’t hesitate to contact us at We can assist you!